"Supernatural Gifts, Common Good"
Symbols of the Christ
Of course there are many symbols of Christ and His birth with which we
are familiar: the manger, the five-pointed star, the Magi, shepherds, etc.
There are many more that are less familiar to us, but that were common
among early Christians–a partial list is at the bottom of page. All of these
were meaningful to Christians at some time in history and many are still
used today. Today we consider the symbol of the evergreen tree itself.
In Christian art, the old illuminators and glass-painters often represented
the genealogy of Jesus in the form of a tree, the
“tree of Jesse,” in allusion to that text in Isaiah
11:1 where it states that “there shall come forth a
rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall
grow out of his roots.” Thus the tree represents
Jesus’ royal genealogy or “family tree.” In
addition, the evergreen tree is symbolic of eternal
life, God’s everlasting love, and Christmas itself.
Thus, for us, the “Christmas tree” can become a
unique reminder of our Savior at His birth.
Some symbols that have been used for the Lord Jesus Christ: almond
tree, alpha omega, anchor, angel, apple, ark, branch, bread, burning
torch, burning bush, butterfly, candle, chi rho, crown, crown of thorns,
cruse of oil, daisy, dayspring, descending dove (see the stained glass
above the baptistry), door, escallop shell, fish, five-, six-, eight-, &
twelve-pointed stars, fleur-de-lys, gastonbury thorn, gladiolus, good
shepherd, horn, horse and rider, IHS, lamb, lily, literally dozens of
crosses of various designs, manger, olive, ox or bullock, pelican, rock,
rose, rosemary, scepter, shepherd’s crook, tau cross, the unicorn, the
cornerstone, three caskets, three nails, three intertwined circles,
triquetra, vesica piscis, vine, wine-press. Each of these has an
interesting history and was used at one time (maybe still) to direct our
attention toward the Savior. If you are not familiar with some of these,
try Googling them after the service!
Calendar for this week
Welcome to
the Morning Worship of the
College Heights Baptist Church
on December the seventeenth,
seventeenth 2023
9:15 am Bible Study Classes
10:30 am Morning Worship live and online
Nursery is provided during worship
for preschool-aged children.
6:00 pm Hour of Prayer
The Third Sunday of Advent: JOY
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study (in recess)
6:45 pm Conversational English Classes
Service begins at 10:30 AM
7:30 pm Young Women’s Bible Study
at 2140 College Heights Rd.
“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.
I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”
Luke 2:10
8:00 am Ladies Accountability Group
Announcements, etc.
“My Soul Magnifies the Lord”
Welcome & Announcements
Advent Video and Prayer
Lentz Upshaw
Leigh Ann & Scott Bowman
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
Mission Video
“A Refuge for Ukrainians”
Christmas Eve Brunch,
Next Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
(No Bible Studies)
“Supernatural Gifts,
Common Good”
Christmas Eve Service
Next Sunday at 6:30 pm.
We will celebrate Christmas Eve with a
Candlelight Service and observance of the
Lord’s Supper. Be sure and pick up some
Christmas Eve Service cards (in the front
foyer) and invite your family, friends, and
Pastoral Prayer
All-Church Open House
This is a “pot luck” event, however, if you
didn’t get “the memo” and didn’t bring a
dish, please join us anyway. There will be
plenty of food, fun and fellowship to go
Lentz Upshaw
(1 Corinthians 12:1-31)
“O Come All You Unfaithful”
2 Corinthians 13:14
Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born,
if he’s not born in thee, thy soul is still forlorn.
John Ball is “deacon for the month.” He,
as well as all the others are available to
help you as needed.
John Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-8168
Scott Bowman . . . . . . . 936-718-6182
Jerry Lawson . . . . . . . . 405-788-1317
John Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-2365
George Wyatt . . . . . . . . . . . . 587-7671
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
This is our annual offering for international
missions. Let’s commit ourselves anew to
joining in the task and, together, reach the
nations. Our church’s goal this year is
2024 Bible Reading Calendars
are in the foyer.
Recommended resource for 2024: “Seeing
Jesus Together” journal.
Thanks be to God for his unspeakable Gift:
precious beyond words.
LOIS LEBAR (1907-1998)
2320 Anderson Avenue
email: office@collegeheightsbaptist.org
website: collegeheightsbaptist.org
facebook: college heights baptist manhattan
Lentz Upshaw, pastor